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Chat Line 101

There are a lot of ways that you can meet new people without going out all. If you are new to chat lines, here are helpful articles and online dating guidelines to help you get started and find that perfect someone.


Chat Line Tips

Do you want to meet new people but don't want to go out at bars and clubs to do it? If you are considering chat lines as a means to revive your social life back to life, we have important tips that you first need to know about.


Chat Lines


An Internet Dating Tip That Everyone Should Follow

One of the biggest problems that comes from internet dating is the way the whole process from start to finish is handled. Because you never know who is going to respond to your online profile you never know how you are going to be treated. This is something that can continue all the way until the first date is over. You just do not know how it is going to end up. So here is the best internet dating tip I can give you. Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.

The old Golden Rule is still the best policy today as it has been for years before. If you are being set up by a friend you can usually trust their judgement that at the very least your date will go through and they will be polite. If not you will let your friend know about it and probably not date anyone else that they recommend.

With internet dating some people seem to feel as though they have the right to treat others like dirt and this is part of the reason internet dating has had a bad reputation in the past. They do not respond to emails, they lie on their profiles, they are vague in the way they reply and they schedule dates and do not show up. This is just plain rude and a lot of people feel it is enough to make them want to return the favor. In the long run you are better off to try and behave decently yourself and you will find most of the responses you get will be the same. Return emails or phone calls.

Be honest. If you do not want to go out with someone politely tell them so. You are not required to date everyone who contacts you. If they take the time to contact you from the heart be honest back. If you get a firm email or a firm letter that is another matter and you really do not have to feel like you should respond in earnest.

If you go on a date and it is a dud you have no obligation to go out again, but be up front and honest about it. If you decide, before your first date, that you have had second thoughts then just let them know you have changed your mind. Wish them luck and move on.

We are talking about just being a decent person in the internet dating process. Treating people properly would seem to be accepted as normal, but online dating brings out some strange characters and some strange behaviour. The best internet tip we can give you is be yourself and move on if someone is not treating you the way you feel they should.

Lee Blackspur offers dating tips and advice to singles all over the world. Check out his site at http://www.speedydateadvice.com for more articles and a free report.

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